Wasim Raja

Hey, I am Wasim Raja, a Software Engineer.

I am passionate about building accessible, inclusive and awesome projects using modern technologies. Continuously learning and improving my skills.

Hire me fulltime / for your next project or just say 'hi'. I am currently open for opportunities.

Fine me on

Or mail me at wasimr09@outlook.com


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    Software Engineer - Clearcals
    • - Ownership of a enterprise application which is a one-stop CRM solution for dieticians.
    • - Ownership of a marketing website which includes product marketing information, blogs, etc.
    ReactRxJsAngular MaterialAngularSassNgRx

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    Frontend Developer Intern - MyRevue
    • - Designed and implemented an analytics dashboard, resulting in a 30% increase in tracking efficiency for sponsorship metrics, ad revenue, and product shipment details.
    • - Created dynamic components, including an infinite scrollable short video player similar to TikTok, boosting user engagement by 40%.
    Sanity CMSFirebaseTailwindNext.jsReact.js


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    CodeChef BCET Chapter homepage

    CodeChef BCET Chapter Wep App

    • - Students can participate in events.
    • - Aim of this web app was to help students find Resources, Events, etc.
    • Tailwind
    • React
    • Firebase

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    Portfolio project homepage


    • - It contains all my projects, experiences.
    • - List of blogs about various topics.
    • shadcn/ui
    • Astro
    • Tailwind
    • Tina CMS

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    MyRead project homepage

    My Read

    • - Check book information.
    • - Add book from book database to the tracking list.
    • CSS
    • React